Created in 1995 as a model experiment, recognized in 1998 as a workshop for people with disabilities, the THIKWA WERKSTATT FÜR THEATER UND KUNST (Thikwa Workshop for Theater and Art) is today a center of excellence for art, in which 44 artists currently work continuously and full-time with a focus on diverse artistic professionalization. In the mutual exchange between the areas of the performing and the visual arts, their own artistic handwriting is developed and tested. As a living social laboratory, we often work in exchange with other creative artists. The artists are present at exhibitions and as members of the ensemble of the Thikwa Theater.
The THIKWA WERKSTATT FÜR THEATER UND KUNST is operated as a cooperation between the Nordberliner Werkgemeinschaft gGmbH (nbw) and the Theater Thikwa e.V.

Heidi Bruck
© Peter Brutschin
© Peter Brutschin