One Day Artists in Reidence Program

Álvaro Martínez-Alonso
Debrecina Arega, Atalay Dogan, Deniz Dogan, Louis Edler, Hannah Grzimek, Konstantin Langenick, Álvaro Martínez-Alonso, Frank Schulz, Sammy Serag and Antonia Strobl
In 6 hours we made 100 photographs at Floating University, printed them and classified them by colors. We made a color wheel with all of them and exhibited it during the Autumn Neighbourhood Weeken.
Is the Black Forest really black, the Red Mountain in Vienna red and the Blue Lake in Heidensee blue? What do the colours of the Red City Hall in Berlin, the blue houses in Chefchaouen in Morocco or the red La Muralla Roja of Calpe in Spain symbolise?
Colour is a fundamental aspect of the representation of a place and influences the people who inhabit or visit it. While colour is sometimes used consciously and symbolically in urban spaces, it is other times given by the characteristics of the environment and nature.
In the Thikwa workshop we ask ourselves: what is the colour of floating?
As part of the One Day Artists in Residence programme, artists from the Thikwa Workshop for Theatre and Art will present the colour of floating from an individual and subjective perspective through photographs. The photographs of all the artists will be shown as a single work at a great distance from the audience, so that the main result will not be the individual photographs, but the colour created by all of them in its entirety.
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Álvaro Martínez-Alonso
Debrecina Arega, Atalay Dogan, Deniz Dogan, Louis Edler, Hannah Grzimek, Konstantin Langenick, Álvaro Martínez-Alonso, Frank Schulz, Sammy Serag and Antonia Strobl
In 6 hours we made 100 photographs at Floating University, printed them and classified them by colors. We made a color wheel with all of them and exhibited it during the Autumn Neighbourhood Weeken.
Is the Black Forest really black, the Red Mountain in Vienna red and the Blue Lake in Heidensee blue? What do the colours of the Red City Hall in Berlin, the blue houses in Chefchaouen in Morocco or the red La Muralla Roja of Calpe in Spain symbolise?
Colour is a fundamental aspect of the representation of a place and influences the people who inhabit or visit it. While colour is sometimes used consciously and symbolically in urban spaces, it is other times given by the characteristics of the environment and nature.
In the Thikwa workshop we ask ourselves: what is the colour of floating?
As part of the One Day Artists in Residence programme, artists from the Thikwa Workshop for Theatre and Art will present the colour of floating from an individual and subjective perspective through photographs. The photographs of all the artists will be shown as a single work at a great distance from the audience, so that the main result will not be the individual photographs, but the colour created by all of them in its entirety.
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