Spielclub Oranienstraße 25
a playable city model with exhibition
a playable city model with exhibition
2019 - 2020
Marieta Campos-Gisbert
Marieta Campos-Gisbert, Louis Edler, Torsten Holzapfel, Thore Kohl, Peter Pankow, Rachel Rosen, Sammy Serag and Lara Wehlan.
The exhibition space of the nGbK was transformed into a symbolic replica of Oranienstraße. Berlin school classes spent days there and and played their way through the city, - more precisely: around Oranienstrasse. Current topics of urban development such as rent policy or participation in social change were discussed.
A group of artists from the Thikwa Werkstatt für Theater und Kusnt participated in the Spielclub as play leaders. They were also responsible for the barrier-free artistic mediation of both the play and the exhibition.
A collaboration with Spielclub AG, nGbK - neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst, UdK - Universität der Künste and Elementary Schools from Berlin.
Marieta Campos-Gisbert
Marieta Campos-Gisbert, Louis Edler, Torsten Holzapfel, Thore Kohl, Peter Pankow, Rachel Rosen, Sammy Serag and Lara Wehlan.
The exhibition space of the nGbK was transformed into a symbolic replica of Oranienstraße. Berlin school classes spent days there and and played their way through the city, - more precisely: around Oranienstrasse. Current topics of urban development such as rent policy or participation in social change were discussed.
A group of artists from the Thikwa Werkstatt für Theater und Kusnt participated in the Spielclub as play leaders. They were also responsible for the barrier-free artistic mediation of both the play and the exhibition.
A collaboration with Spielclub AG, nGbK - neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst, UdK - Universität der Künste and Elementary Schools from Berlin.