blau wild
Ana Fernández Furelos, Álvaro Martínez-Alonso and Susan Päthke
Susanne Bachmann
Addas Ahmad, Fabian Bischoff, Ana Fernández Furelos, Daniel Koch, Günther Krug, Frank Krüger, Jasmin Lutze, Álvaro Martínez-Alonso, Marcel Matz, Susan Päthke, Rachel Rosen, Frank Schulz, Antonia Venter, Detlev von Dossow and Moritz Welz
In 2019 we were invited by the Kreative Werkstatt Lobetal to a week-long Artist’s Residence. The Kreative Werkstatt is located on a lake surrounded by forest. This inspired the 16 artists from Lobetal and Thikwa to develop Landart Projects.
The artworks created during this time were shown in the Galerie aNdereRSeitS in Bernau.
Ana Fernández Furelos, Álvaro Martínez-Alonso and Susan Päthke
Susanne Bachmann
Addas Ahmad, Fabian Bischoff, Ana Fernández Furelos, Daniel Koch, Günther Krug, Frank Krüger, Jasmin Lutze, Álvaro Martínez-Alonso, Marcel Matz, Susan Päthke, Rachel Rosen, Frank Schulz, Antonia Venter, Detlev von Dossow and Moritz Welz
In 2019 we were invited by the Kreative Werkstatt Lobetal to a week-long Artist’s Residence. The Kreative Werkstatt is located on a lake surrounded by forest. This inspired the 16 artists from Lobetal and Thikwa to develop Landart Projects.
The artworks created during this time were shown in the Galerie aNdereRSeitS in Bernau.